
A section of a Config

Use to organize related sub-topics of a larger config. Auto GUI creation will use sections to create separate "layers" of GUI Screens for the player to drill down into. Recommended practice is to group all sections at the beginning or end of a Config, so the section widgets in the GUI are grouped together, and the non-grouped entries are also all together.

Follows the same rules as a Config regarding setting definitions. See the documentation for Config for details.






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open fun description(fallback: String? = null): MutableText

The translated Text description from the descriptionKey. Falls back to an empty string so no tooltip is rendered.

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open override fun descriptionKey(): String

translation key of this Translatable's description. the "description" in-game, the descriptions Enchantment Descriptions adds to enchantment tooltips are a good example.

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Whether this Translatable has a valid description

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Whether this Translatable has a valid translation

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open override fun toString(): String
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open fun translation(fallback: String? = null): MutableText

The translated Text name from the translationKey. Falls back to the implementing classes Simple Name (non-translated)

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open override fun translationKey(): String

translation key of this Translatable. the "name" in-game